Submit a Complaint

We take your concerns seriously. If you have a concern that you believe should be brought to our attention please complete the form below. Or, read more on our complaint handling process below.

By submitting this form, you give us permission to collect, use and share your personal information for the purpose of considering your feedback, reviewing your service history and seeking a suitable resolution. During this process, you give us permission to share your information with the selling dealership, service provider and/or underwriter of your contract and to use your information according to our privacy policy.

As LGM Financial Services Inc. and LGM Group Insurance Administrative Services Inc. administer a variety of products, we will check which type of product you hold as part of reviewing your concern. If you hold a product of insurance, then we will bring your concerns to the attention of the insurance company that issued your product. Your concern may be directly handled by that insurance company or we may collaborate with them during our review.

To contact the insurance company’s office, please let us know if we can help direct you:

Our Process

We will be in touch with you within three (3) business days, providing you with an opportunity to share your feedback. A representative of our team will consider your feedback and will be guided by our complaint handling policy during their review. We will endeavor to provide you with the findings of our review in a timely manner.

Our Policy

This policy explains the process that will be followed if you have a concern that you believe should be brought to our attention.

Our Motivations

We are committed to providing exceptional service in all aspects of our business. Our motivation in providing you with access to our Complaints Resolution service is to provide a forum for you to freely voice your concerns if you are not satisfied with the service you received, a transparent process for the review of all concerns and an executive officer who will efficiently and impartially review all concerns based on the facts.

Our Process

You may raise your concerns through the form located on this page. We encourage you to raise your concerns as quickly as possible to promote an effective resolution process, including providing all relevant facts, documents and how you think your concerns could be adequately resolved.

  • We will acknowledge your concerns within three (3) business days of your submission.
  • We will minimize, wherever possible, the people who have access to your concerns.
  • We will notify any insurance company that issued your insurance product of insurance of your concern.
  • Will may redirect your concern to the insurance company that issued your product, if appropriate.
  • We will review your concerns promptly and may seek further information from you.
  • We will provide you with a response to your concerns within a reasonable time of your submission and may adjust our policy and process to effectively investigate your concern.
  • We will provide you with reasons for our response and an opportunity for you to provide feedback.
  • We may provide you with alternative points of contact if you are not satisfied with our response.

Our Principle-Based Review:

Our Complaints Resolution service will use these principles to review your concerns:

  • We will treat you with fairness, professionalism and respect.
  • We will communicate clearly and responsively with you.
  • We will review your concerns transparently and impartially.
  • We will apply LGM policies equally to all individuals.
  • We will respect all laws applying to your privacy and the conduct of our business.
  • We will aspire for continuous improvement taking into consideration your concerns.

Voluntary Participation

If you choose to raise a concern with our Complaints Resolution service, you do so voluntarily. This policy is subject to the terms and conditions of any agreement you have signed with us, including in our capacity as a third-party administrator of vehicle protection plans and insurance products and our privacy policy.


  • Complaint Resolution service: An Executive officer nominated by us from time to time to be responsible for the Complaint Resolution service for our business.
  • Concern: Concerns that have not been resolved to your satisfaction by us, whether about our assessment of a claim or our customer service. If you have concerns about our handling of personal information, please contact our privacy officer via
  • You, your: The individual reading this document who interacts with us in connection with our business. Those individuals may include an individual consumer who has been offered or has purchased one or more vehicle protection plan(s) or insurance product(s) that is administered by us or representatives of a vendor, vehicle dealership, repair facility, or between original equipment manufacturer.
  • We, us, our: LGM Financial Services Inc.
  • LGM Policies: Policies and procedures set by us from time to time that regulate how we handle claims made pursuant to a vehicle protection plan or an insurance policy and how we treat you.
  • Province: The province of Canada in which an individual consumer purchased their vehicle protection plan or insurance policy or in which a dealership or repair facility operates its business.
  • Effective Date: August 18, 2017 (Revised June 14, 2024)